HEARTBREAKING: Holding Back Tears, Major Vibhuti’s Wife Salutes Her Husband & Says ‘I Love You’ One Last Time

Wife pays teary adieu to Major Vibhuti Dhoundiyal as he makes the ultimate sacrifice so we all can live peacefully.
The funeral of Major Vibhuti Shankar Dhoundiyal was filled with moments like these, at Dehradun. Nikita Kaul, his 27-year-old wife blew him kisses, before leaning in and whispering ‘I love you’ at the coffin of her husband.
The senselessness of violence is realised in moments when a wife, a child, a mother are left behind with just the mortal remains and the memories of their loved ones. The couple was married less than a year ago.
#WATCH Wife of Major VS Dhoundiyal (who lost his life in an encounter in Pulwama yesterday) by his mortal remains. #Dehradun #Uttarakhand pic.twitter.com/5HWD6RXwnO
— ANI (@ANI) February 19, 2019
She later yelled ‘Vande Mataram’ three times and then said ‘I love you, Vibhu’ in a shaky voice, breaking down as she did that. Nikita (working in an MNC in Delhi) was travelling to the capital when she got the news about the demise of her husband and then she rushed back to his house in Dehradun.
Dehradun: Wife (pic 1) of Major VS Dhoundiyal salutes as people pay tribute to him. He lost his life in an encounter in Pulwama yesterday #Uttarakhand pic.twitter.com/GEL36EMU3e
— ANI (@ANI) February 19, 2019
Talking about his untimely demise, she was quoted as saying: I am not helpless. My husband was a brave heart.
Among 4 army men who lost their lives in the encounter between the army and Jaish e Mohammed terrorists and his mortal remains reached Dehradun, Major Vibhuti was one such braveheart.