‘Nirbhaya’ comes to women’s aid

A Pune-based software company, Smart Cloud Infotech, has launched an app called Nirbhaya to help women in emergency situations. The app enables women to send pre-defined text messages to a group of contacts when caught in tough circumstances. Nirbhaya app can be downloaded for free. The app alarms the contacts by SMS specifying the location of the woman through Global Positioning System (GPS). It also enables women to contact friends and relatives in case of other emergencies like accidents. The app is compatible with android phones and will be soon available for iPhones and Windows mobile phones. The users have to submit the documents containing the personal details, residential numbers and emergency contact groups. The group can also include the numbers of police, friends and close relatives. The short-cut key to Nirbhaya app needs to be clicked in case of an emergency and this will alert the contact groups, seeking help, defining the location of the user, explains Gajanan Sakare, CEO of Smart Cloud Infotech. This is a move which came after the recent incident of rape and death of a 23-year old girl in Delhi. Women’s safety today has become a real issue with cases of rape and molestation being reported frequently across the country. This software could possibly give women in distress a chance for timely help in the best possible way. The Government is also taking adequate security measures to ensure safety of women folks in the country.