‘Hero’ street dogs save Argentinian girl from rape

Jul 3, 2013
Argentina street dogs are in the news for an unlikely ‘crime-stopping’ act. The homeless animals saved a young girl from being raped. According to reports, the dogs heard the young girl scream; coming to her rescue. Life with Dogs reports the homeless animals bit the girl’s aggressor, allowing her to escape and seek help nearby. The girl, just 12-years old was walking to visit her aunt in the Roberto Romero neighborhood of Buenos Aires when she was attacked and dragged to an isolated area with her mouth covered. The man then attempted to rape her. The only ones that could hear the girl scream were the street dogs that sprung into action. When the dogs heard screams, they charged and began biting the man, allowing the young girl to break flee. According to dogheirs.com, the report occurred June 23, 2013, No one knows where the ‘hero’ dogs live or where they went after the attack. The Latin Times says the attacket has not been apprehended. All anyone knows is these dogs are true crime-stopping ‘heroes’ for saving a young girl from the brutal and despicable act of rape. ——- SOURCE: Digital Journal