Woman MMA fighter kicks creepy man’s ass for allegedly masturbating at her photoshoot

Joyce Vieira, a 27 year-old MMA Fighter did something that many of us still dream of.
A specialist in Muay Thai & Jiu-Jitsu, the brazilian MMA Fighter was at the beach getting some shots clicked for her swimwear photoshoot while she noticed that a creepy man had begun masturbating to her and her friend. While at the beach in Rio de Janeiro, Vieira saw that the man who was later identified as 26-year-old Josenei Viana Ferreira, took his shorts down and began jerking off to her in a public space.
According to the NY Post, Vieira said that the man was visibly erect and making all sorts of moaning sounds while people passed by him on the public pathway.
As Vieira saw this happening, she immediately left the shoot to give the pervert a piece of some muscle of her own. Ferreira received a strong punch in a violent confrontation with the Vieira and an official complaint was lodged against him.
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After the confrontation, the man was promptly arrested and released later when he denied masturbating saying that he was just peeing in public.
Vieira said, “I have received an innumerable number of messages from women saying that (in similar situations) they didn’t file a report, because they know the suspects would end up being released. I think the punishment for these cases should be more severe.”
The fighter did rounds on social media after this action and received quite some applause for her tough stand on the pervert.
While there’s nothing much that we can do right now to punish the obscene Ferriera but we all agree with Joyce that there should be stricter punishment for people like that.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: This article is written by Sonal Sharma, our Guest Writer.