This Company Has Introduced Menstrual Leave Policy. Women Can Now Work From Home On Their Periods

Just including heavy words in speeches will not empower women unless any spectacular initiative is taken. Today, you all would be really happy and amazed to know the reason behind the investment of your quality time reading this inspirational initiative. In the crowd of countless online shopping websites, Sasto Deal has come up with a great incentive for their female employees. They’re offering menstrual leaves for women on periods. ‘Sasto Deal’ is first of its kind, located in Nepal, having a menstrual leave policy. The company has 10 female and 19 male employees. To reach the people at a big level, the company started its campaign for this noble cause from Facebook emphasizing the need of this policy in all the organizations. The team of Sasto Deal is very proud of what they have started and trying to reach the mass at every level. They understand that pain due to menstruation is more painful than a headache. Today, many of us take leave from work due to a little headache or fever but we expect the female employees to work efficiently during her periods because we don’t know how painful it is! And even women entrepreneurs who own the company don’t have any empathy for women employees. Prior to the conclusion, all the staffs of the company were asked to give their suggestions during a discussion and then after Sasto Deal came to a conclusion that priority should be given to the health of women staff. And so, the company introduced menstrual leave policy where any women employee can work from their home or they can take leave from the work during her periods without being asked a single question and without any penalty in the salary. By this initiative and campaign over Facebook, they are encouraging other companies and have made a special request to NGOs and INGOs to make this world a better place for women and to give the real definition of women empowerment.
———— ABOUT THE AUTHOR: This article is written by Abhishek Shekhar, our intern.