The way to happiness

Sudha Murty, is an Indian social worker and writer in Kannada and English. She is the chairperson of the Infosys Foundation and a member of public health care initiatives of the Gates Foundation. Rather than addressing her this way, I felt that it would be better if she is addressed as someone who learns something from every single incident she comes across, the way she learns some lesson from her experiences, no matter whether it is a good or bad experience makes her what she is. She looks at only the positive side of a person/situation/problem and takes up the challenges they may pose and faces the outcomes with equal fervor. There are many ways to look at a person/situation/problem and we are accustomed to the one common way that is the one where we only look at the negative part and we are less inclined towards looking at the positive side. After I got to know about Sudha Murty, I realized that we are drowning in negative thinking and searching for happiness, satisfaction, contentment in places and things where we can never find them. Whereas, people like Sudha Murty unlike others can find them in any phase of their lives. People often ask Sudha Murthy that how is it that so many interesting things happen only to her to which she has a fantastic reply that , “In life’s journey we all meet strange people and undergo many experiences that touch us and sometimes even change us. If we have a sensitive mind and record our observations regularly, we will see our life too is a vast storehouse of life learning’s and stories”. The thing we can learn from Murthy is that every experience in life, whether good or bad serves a purpose. We can learn a lesson in everything if we take time to do so. After each experience, we need to ask ourselves that what is the lesson we learnt? We may find ourselves rethinking how we deal with life when we find there is a lesson to be learned in every situation!
———— ABOUT THE AUTHOR: This article is written by Shravya Vempati.