After Being Sexually Harassed, Chhattisgarh Journalist Gets Fired From Office By CEO

Women can defend themselves against perverts, but they might miss it at times too & this doesn’t make them the ‘weaker sex’. What’s sad is that after so many years of independence, women in India still have to deal with these jerks, they still have to be cautious while travelling on roads, they still have to mind what to wear & what not to, they still have to deal with sexual harassment & much more! It’s sad that women get punished in India for complaining about harassment. On 6th August, a journalist heading the Chhattisgarh Bureau of IND 24 registered a complaint of sexual harassment against Navin Purohit, the channel head. To her surprise, the same day, she was issued a letter of termination by the CEO, Deepak Pundhir.
The termination letter read somewhat like this:
“Now we came to know that you are getting involved in unethical activities which are against an organization and you have filed a false complaint against us to Police. It’s very disappointing and shocking for us. Keeping that behavior in mind, we have decided to cancel your services with immediate effect and you are now not to entitle use company office.”
The Inspector General of Raipur, G. P. Singh, has dispatched teams to Bhopal and Agra and has assured that actions will be taken against the CEO and the channel head.
Subjecting an employee to sexual harassment in office and then firing the woman for attempting to protect her rights is nothing but illegal.
What’s important here, is that the law is not strong enough to protect employees from employers who complain about sexual harassment.
News Source: The Hoot