10 Reasons why they call you a Tomboy!

All of us in our school life or college life would have met this specie. Boys love to hang around this race and the ‘girly’ girls like to keep some distance from them. Let me introduce you to this immensely researched specie; “A tomboy”. In the simplest and popular terms, a tomboy can be defined as “A Girl, (P.S- it’s not a boy, though the name suggest; weird world) who lacks interest in boys BUT enjoys all ‘boyish’ activities”. Few think she’s caught in a wrong body but mind you, she’s straight. It’s not that she can’t give a competition to all those butterflies out there, but she chooses to play the underdog. Here are few reasons why ‘they’ think you are a tomboy but you feel you’re just different!!!
1. When brands like Chanel, Gucci, Pucci, Steve madden Mac, Bobby brown, Inglot, Urban decay sounds like alien to you.
2. When the thought of wearing heels fills your mind with the image of!
3. When none of your clothes cling to your body.
4. When you don’t think twice before having a 2nd cheese burst pizza.’
5. When that muddy football field is like a battleground to you.