We Don’t Want To Marry. We Want To Live

We Don’t Want To Marry. We Want To Live

Let alone, talking to the girl, but sometimes, the family gets her married even without her knowing it. We also had news reports in the past saying nine month old babies getting married to old men in rural India. Where is the family’s head in such cases? Who on Earth would even think of something like that? On one hand you proclaim marriage to be a holy and sacred ceremony, while on the other you’re participating in a crime by getting your child into an illegal act. Don’t get your young daughters married before she wants to, unwillingly. I wouldn’t say that get her married only at the age of 18 just because it’s the legal age, but I’d say, ask her what she wants to do and support her in her future. Girls are no less than boys. They have proved they are worth much more than the opposite sex and yet, there are a million families who still want boys. If you believe that a girl is first an obligation under her father and then under her husband then you are absolutely wrong. A girl is an individual who deserves to live the way she wants to, just like all the boys out there. She deserves to have a future of her own, she deserves to make a career, and she deserves to be happy for herself. Getting young girls married below the legal age is a crime, but getting her married without her consent is a bigger crime because it only makes you a failure at understanding your own daughter. Don’t get her married if she doesn’t want to. Let her live, because she deserves to.


About the Author: This article is contributed by Sonia David, our Intern. Sonia is a funky and sweet girl who is currently pursuing her Bachelor of Arts in Communicative English from Jyoti Nivas College, Autonomous in Bangalore. She loves writing, sketching and reading. She believes that women deserve much more and together, women can turn the world right side up!

Ishita Kapoor

Ishita Kapoor

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