The Most Beautiful Person I Have Ever Known- My Mother

She woke up early to make me somebody who I am today. She struggled between her choices and demands to fulfil mine. She slept late to take care that I eat enough during my exams. She cried when I got injected for my allergies. She revolted whenever something from the outside caused me pains. She kept the evil eye at bay and protected me. She hugged me when I was broken. She stood by me when I needed her the most. She gradually became my best friend and my sole guidance- SHE’S MY MOTHER.
If there’s a reason as to why I look back to return home, it’s my mother. I never knew what a father’s love was because my father was always busy with his business and stuff, so I am certainly not close to him. But my mother has taught me whatever I possess today and has made me bold enough to face the harsh realities of this tyrannizing society. Whenever I step out of my house, I receive compliments for the way I look to the qualities I posses. I never took the credit, instead, my mother it is to be acknowledged for everything I carry. People call me beautiful, but that never touched me more than being called a reflection of my mother. She has made this world so beautiful for me and has inculcated the values, knowledge and traditions in me that make me a complete being. Mothers are really important. They really make your crazy journey live worthwhile. From polishing your skills to extracting the best out of you to destroying the darkness that you carry, she does that all and after all such care, she never asks anything in return. I agree they are a bit emotional and too messed up in their emotions when it comes to us, her children. But she knows what makes us weak, so she never tests us on our weakness. She knows our strengths and boasts about them amongst her friends and neighbors.
I don’t think I ever knew somebody better than my mother, all I rather know is if there is somebody who has made me live under the same roof with my family, then it is my mother. Whenever I felt like running away from the people I have around me, she made me tolerant towards them. Whenever I felt like leaving all my relationships behind to pursue my dreams, she made me understand the value of being with a family. She taught me so much, so all I can do is to just dedicate this write-up to her. Loads of love mom! Just be there always. I need you!
About the Author: This article is contributed by Atima Dhall, our intern. Atima is an under-graduate from Shyama Prasad Mukherjee college, Delhi University. She aims to conquer the world with her writing and sights at instigating people to differentiate between black and white,i.e. justice and bigotry. With immense optimism and buoyancy, she scrutinizes her society and intends to work for its betterment through her writing.