You don’t have to pay a price for having breasts and a womb!

A woman is not judged by her talent and achievements, but how excellent does she work as a home maker?
I have grown up listening to the phrase, “A woman is a failure if she cannot be a good wife and a good mother.” No matter what post a woman holds, she is always mocked upon if she doesn’t know household chores. In today’s world of nuclear families and independent lives, everyone must know the basic household chores. When it comes to a boy, it is a matter of pride if he helps his mother in the kitchen but the sister is never appreciated for her help since it’s her duty to do it. Society is always intimidated by women in position of power. It considers such women as a different “class”. If the society supports education of women, it is only so that she can teach children and keep a check on expenditure and savings for the house. Women are condemned for choosing career over marriage and childbearing and those who try to manage family with career are blamed for dysfunctional families. A family gets dysfunctional as a result of every member’s contribution towards that not because “mommy” is busy at work. I am not against women who by choice want to be home makers. Being a homemaker is not an easy job, but one must be recognized for what she is doing. Just because we females can make babies does not mean that’s the only thing we are capable of! Motherhood is a matter of choice and those who are incapable of motherhood should not feel bad about it. There is so much in the world that one is capable of doing. We must take pride in what we do best as individuals not as girls, women, wives or mothers. It is the choice you make that will earn you your present situation and status. You want to be a mom and complete your family just go ahead and do it, taking a leave from work for a few years shouldn’t worry you because raising children is the experience you earn. If we respect our individuality we will have a life full of varied experiences and roles to play. And I personally feel that is what makes us a unique human being. So, ladies feel elated for we are born in an era where we can achieve what we want and there is really no price to pay for having breasts and a womb.
———— About the Author: This article has been contributed by Aqsa Zaidi, our intern. Aqsa is a Botany Hons. Student from Hindu College, Delhi University. She feels it’s her constant struggle and effort to understand and redefine independence and equality in its purest form through her writing . Believing in women and youth empowerment, Aqsa wants to induct the same in her readers.