The world today is dominated mostly by the men. But what happened to women? Have they really given up? No, the world is just pulling them back. People don’t want a woman to move ahead. We see many women excelling in their fields, but is that enough? Well, only some women excelling their field doesn’t mean that world is now backing women. We don’t see women as a potential human as men, even now. Women still have many hurdles to cross. We see many women being harassed, raped, murdered. The social stigma that they face in the society is also making them weak. Many have become the victims of human trafficking. On the other side, many of the women think that they are not capable of doing things that men do. This is also one of the reason that is preventing them. So far now many cases have been registered where women became the victims of harassment by the family members. This is worst situation where the backbone of a girl-her family, ill-treats her. But such cases don’t stay for long. So, what should be done to remove all these? The first thing to do is to educate women about their rights and what are the opportunities they have in their life to achieve. Then making them mentally strong, so that they do not become the victim of depression. And the government has to bring some serious actions against the women harassment. ———— ABOUT THE AUTHOR: This article is written by Vijayanand A J , our intern.