Women. Economy. Gender Gap.

Wherever, we talk about economy and women together, all we seem to notice is the huge wage gap that women experience. But, why do we forget that despite this wage gap, women do play an active role in contributing to the nation’s economy?
Women form an essential part of the workforce that has helped gain this country a growing GDP. Many women have started their own household business and become an “entrepreneur”. They have used their skills to earn a livelihood and proved their mettle in the business industry. The country has seen a growth in the household businesses. This, not only gives employment to other women but it also diminishes the need for imports from other countries. Thus, keeping the country’s money here itself. Moreover, with an easy access to the internet and other communication facilities, many of these small scale industries have found clients abroad. Now, people can enjoy these homemade delicacies by ordering them online. Thus, providing ample opportunities for the country to export and earn. Not only this, with education reaching each and every girl child the country has seen growth in female doctors, IPS officers, engineers and many other sectors. People are making their daughters self-sufficient and independent. This, in turn, makes it easier for them to step out of their home and work for themselves. Thus, allowing them to earn without any restrictions from friends and family. This provides them with more time to increase their participation in their respective sectors. Yes, we still don’t have job security, we still have low wages and we still have to fight much more than an average man for a senior position but we have not allowed these practices to hinder our growth. We wake up every day to fight these devils and little by little we are trying to win the war by winning these battles. And, it has been seen that households with working women not only ensure a family with more money but also allow them to reach a situation of balance as both partners are equally responsible for their conditions. Plus, how can we forget the most important sector of women in India – the housewives? They may not contribute to economy directly but more often than not, it is them who give this country’s main workforce all the support they require. They take care of the household chores and other requirements. Budget and save, so well those world-class banks may get ashamed of them and most importantly they teach their children to work for what they want. They are no less independent than the working woman next door and are the main reason that the country has had a flourishing economy since independence. So, we women may not have acquired the rightful job status but this has not stopped us from gaining what we want. All this has resulted in providing this country a much-needed growth of economy. But, if the country wants this process to continue we do require some appreciation in terms of equal opportunities and payment.