Why do Families kill their Daughters?

After everything your daughter goes through outside your house, you still pressurize her with your rubbish of choosing her life partner or getting her to study something that she doesn’t want to. I’m not saying every family pressurizes their daughter, but most of them still do.
In several families, where you have two children (a son and a daughter), the parents always feel awkward when the daughter pays their bills, because they think their ‘sons’ are supposed to take care of them. This is exactly the mentality in our country which I sincerely hope, will change soon. It’s not only annoying for the daughter at times, but also depressing for her to go through so much and yet still be able to hold the family together. In several families, a woman is the ‘man’ of the house, yet she is side-lined in every aspect of her life.
Many a times, the daughters who have been victims of rape, molestation, forced pregnancy, or various other abuses, aren’t willing to tell their parents because unfortunately, they are well-aware of the consequences. They know that their parents will blame the victim and not the monsters that are actually at fault. Have you ever tried asking what your daughter wants? Does she want to get married? Does she want to study further? What does she want to study? Where does she want to work? You know, even by restricting her freedom, you’re killing her inside emotionally because she begins to feel inferior to her peers. So, what if the world is bad? So what if every young girl is stared at? So what if your daughter goes through evil things in her life? She doesn’t deserve to be invisible right? She’s still your daughter and always will be. Have faith in your up-bringing, and let your daughter grow her wings and find her way. Teach her how to defend herself, or better, demand your sons to respect women. Girls have proved to be better than boys and have slapped society in the face today. So, don’t you ever give up on your daughters.
About the Author: This article is contributed by Sonia David, our Intern. Sonia is a funky and sweet girl who is currently pursuing her Bachelor of Arts in Communicative English from Jyoti Nivas College, Autonomous in Bangalore. She loves writing, sketching and reading. She believes that women deserve much more and together, women can turn the world right side up!