Why do Families kill their Daughters?

Female infanticide, Sati, Dowry death, Murder of pregnant women, Bride Burning, and so on and so forth, they all include killing your daughter or someone’s daughter! Yet, they’re still ‘traditions’ to be followed. I don’t get it, and I bet neither does every feminist alive today. Why can’t the man practice Sati? Why can’t the man give dowry to the bride’s family? Why can’t the man be killed for having a girl pregnant? That can’t happen right, because it’s our so-called ancestors who have been following this rubbish and this non-sense will continue. On one hand where people always pressurize the pregnant woman to bear a boy child, while on the other, the girl is killed as soon as she begins breathing in the environment.
To begin with, the crimes named above aren’t the only ways of which you’ve been killing your daughter, I’d say, every family kills their daughter today, not physically but mentally and emotionally too. There are millions of families, surprisingly living in cities too, who are against bearing or raising a girl child on one hand, while on the other, the same families want to get her married right after she’s reached adolescence. I bet every teenage girl has been through this talk with her family about studying further or getting married, but how long will you keep pressurizing her? Where the same society expects every girl to be a virgin before her marriage, they still expect a guy to be a ‘stud’ or ‘dude’ amongst his peers. Today as we know it, women are worth so much more than men because they not only take care of their families but also have a career. Simultaneously, there’s not one woman who hasn’t been sexually harassed today. By saying, sexually harassed, I not only mean rape or molestation, but also having been stared at her privates or touched by a man, knowing or unknowingly. Every woman has been through this in this country, and when she does ask for help from this brilliant public, they all turn off their hearing abilities and stare like starving dogs.