The way to a woman’s heart is also through her stomach!

What if it was all the other way round? They say it’s a woman’s job to cook, look after her man and keep him happy. It is a familiar saying “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach”, isn’t it? But don’t you think if we put it the other way round, it will also be true, plus intriguing? When you are planning to win the heart of a woman, just like you conventionally expect her to make good food for you, do the same for her. To keep your woman happy and pampered, this is one wonderful idea. How? Read below. 5. Women are conventionally the confectionery lovers: You will not frequently find women who don’t have a sweet tooth. Most of us have. We love chocolates, ice creams, cakes and cupcakes. To make us happy, try to bake something, a simple cupcake probably. No matter however simple a sweet dish you make, your woman will love it. They love confectioneries, and when it will come from you, it will taste sweeter to her, and consequently become her favourite sweet dish ever. 4. Make it romantic: Cooking for her is not just about being a considerate partner and therefore performing the boring job of cooking for her sometimes. If you like, you can make it very romantic. Like, you can step up a candle light dinner to food cooked by you. Just put in some thought and creativity and you will perfectly make your way through her heart with food. 3. Reduce her pressures: It is generally the woman who has to take care of the food and dining stuff. From groceries for the house to which restaurant shall you dine in at the weekend; when it is about food, she has to handle. But once you are into the kitchen affairs you will be able to help her a great deal in all the work she has to do on her own otherwise.
2. Great turn on: Men are generally expected to be lying on the sofa, lazily reading or watching T.V. and the partner cooking in the kitchen. She is responsible for the food, breakfast, lunch, dinner everything, every time. She will not be bored or fed up ever; even if she is, she won’t let you know. She loves to cook for you, watch you eating it happily and please you totally. But, if you sometimes try to step into her shoes, enter the kitchen and cook for her, she will be amazingly surprised and greatly turned on. Sometimes if you offer her role reversals i.e. allow her to lie on the sofa, be lazy and cook for her, your woman will go crazy about you, completely. Moreover, you will not just earn an extra slice of love but also a huge share of respect from her for being such a considerate partner. 1. Express your gratitude in the same way: While she is the one who has stereo-typically assumed the duty to cook for you forever, if you give her a break, don the chef hat and make her a gourmet meal, she will be extremely grateful. You can express your gratitude to her in the best possible way. The best thing to give her is to give her what she gives you.She feeds you day after day, with different dishes, taking care of your tastes and likes. You can never pay her back for that. But just someday if you try to do that for her and give her the same that she always gives you, in gratitude, it will mean to her enough. So all you men folk, try this at home, try it someday at least, if not often, once in a while, make her a wholesome meal, like she does for you, keeping in mind her taste and preferences and make her happy. You will reach her heart directly, leaving a long lasting impact, it’s a guarantee! ———— About the Author: This article is contributed by Ojaswini Srivastava. Ojaswini is a Respect Women’s contributor and a student of English Literature at the University of Delhi, who looks forward to study and work on gender issues. Believing herself as a feminist, an agnostic, thinker and writer, she aspires to become a respected writer someday!