The Gender Equality V/s The Gender E-Quality

We all know the concept of ‘Gender Equality’ supporting equal rights and equal treatment to both the genders at workplaces, public places, markets, mode of transports etc.
So far, we are unable to complete the goal of gender equality at all places and for any time period. Women feel unsafe at night while walking down the lonely streets/subways, they hesitate to opt for any cab/bus/taxi as they can’t be sure about the intentions of the drivers or people boarding along with them. We get to hear about the domestic violence happening daily at some place or the other. Also, many times, women aren’t paid well/equally as compared to their level of post/difficulty of work/hours they work for an organization. Men complain about the women who launch foul complaints against a crime they never committed, or that women get reserved seats in public transport vehicles, or they don’t do tasks which includes heavy weight lifting (or a work associated with the physical strength), or they just want to enjoy the money a man might have for free showing fake love/friendship and use their ‘feminism’ for wrong practices/purposes. Reading this, many men will say it to be just another ‘feminist post’ meant to support ‘the weaker sex’ (the perception being continued since ages), but let me ask those ‘men’ a few questions before their judgment. Who told you that it’s a woman’s responsibility to do all the household chores? Who told you that it’s a man’s job only to follow his passion to work & earn? Who told you that it’s only your right only to flaunt your style wearing anything you wish? Who told you that it’s you only who can go anywhere anytime just to have some fun? The answer to all these questions will include a father/a friend/an uncle/a priest/a brother and ofcourse the ‘crazy aunties’. If at all ‘men’ could stop sounding desperate for friendship/relationship, support their partner to have & follow dreams, be themselves specifically on social media rather than providing any false info or calling themselves feminists just to get attention of the ladies, mind their ‘own business’, all the problems happening around due to this gender conflict would reduce to merely a few percents. And yes, it’s the women’s responsibility too, to know the difference between their human rights & what is ‘really right’, to stop acting dumb on social media just to get a few likes/comments/shares, to stop accepting the tradition & never fight for a change. Because it’s really motivating to hear the sound of clapping coming from a mass of people, but it’s never easy/possible to do the same single handedly! ———— ABOUT THE AUTHOR: This article is written by Ankush Sharma.