Sky is not the limit

We Indians always put boundaries to women. Today’s world changed so much, developed in many aspects. These days, women are stepping out of their homes – playing roles as professionals, independent thinking individuals and also sometimes the main income of the family. But still they are considered as weaker sex. Here are some great personalities who proved it wrong – Kalpana Chawla was an Indian-American astronaut and first woman in space. Long back even in a much more male dominating society, she never abandoned her dream to fly. She is one of those who proved that even sky is not the limit to women by flying high above. #SKY IS NOT THE LIMIT-Perseverance Marie Curie, known for the discovery of radioactive elements – polonium and radium. She is also one of the women who earned great respect. She is an inspiration to many women proving that women can do great even in Research and Development. In 1903, she is awarded with Nobel Prize. #SKY IS NOT THE LIMIT-Knowledge Elizabeth-II became queen at the age of 25 and has ruled more than half a century. She is called the British monarchy. Even though she got the power as she is heir of the family, she succeeded as the queen and is renowned as world’s oldest reigning monarch. #SKY IS NOT THE LIMIT-Power Malala Yousafzi, a young girl from Pakistan raised her voice for women education, which resulted in Taliban death threat against her. Later she was shot by a gunman when travelling to home from school. She survived from the attack and became much more active. She is the youngest person ever to win the Noble Peace Prize. #SKY IS NOT THE LIMIT-Courage. There are many more women who are doing great in their life and hope many will come out of their shells. So, I want to conclude that women are never a weaker sex and even sky is not the limit to them if they decide to do anything. ———— ABOUT THE AUTHOR: This article is written by Kavya Vempati.