Love marriage OR Arranged marriage?

Marriage is an adventure for you never know how it might turn out to be. The institution of marriage revolves around one basic question, ”Love marriage OR Arranged marriage” ? It doesn’t matter how much brainstorming you do over this debatable topic for people have different opinion and justifications.
Gone are the days when love marriages were considered a taboo in our Indian society. We are in the 21st century and have adapted to various modern and sensible ways of living. Girls are well educated and are given all the freedom and liberty needed. Soon after their education is done when they become well qualified, the next question which arises in their parents’ minds is about their marriage. Even though most of the parents today claim to be broad minded in all aspects, but when it comes to marriage, they prefer that their children should get married to a suitable life partner chosen by them, preferably from the same religion, state and caste . But keeping in view the modern society, the girls these days are mature and sensible.They want to choose their own life partner and marry according to their own preference rather than doing arrange marriage.
So, finally the question arises in every girl’s mind “Love marriage OR Arranged marriage” ? In arranged marriages, the families take the alliance into consideration and finally thinking of building a relation which finally takes the name of an arranged marriage. But nowadays, parents are even having a modern attitude so they allow the bride and the groom interact with each other well before the marriage so that the couple can have a strong relation. This helps them to understand each other better and also about their families.
When we talk about love marriage, everything seems well settled. The first and foremost of all, there is no issue of dowry anywhere. Also both the girl and the boy are clear about their expectations from each other as well as each others family. There is an assurance, trust and faith that binds the relation together.
Whatever be the case, what really matters, is that there should be love and understanding between the couple. If it is love marriage then it voluntarily comes up. And if it is arranged marriage then love develops slowly and gradually. So the question of a dilemma between a love marriage or arranged marriage lies entirely upon an individual and no matter what people may say but the truth remains that ”a marriage isn’t a noun,its a verb.It isn’t something you get,it’s something you do.’‘
About the Author: This article is contributed by Neha Thakur, our Intern.