Unnatural offences: Whoever voluntarily has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman or animal shall be punished with imprisonment for life, or with imprisonment of either description for term which may extend to ten years, and shall also be liable to fine. Penetration is sufficient to constitute the carnal intercourse necessary to the offense described in this section. Read the above? That’s what Section 377 of the IPC declares. Now, read below and understand! How would you feel when you wake up one fine day and find yourself in the body of the opposite sex of what you were before? How would you face the trauma of the change you have got into? You would feel devastated, won’t you?
That’s what is exactly happening with people whom we call ‘lesbian’, ‘gay’, ‘bisexual’ or ‘transgender’; they feel like they are born into the body of the other gender, instead of what they actually are. A boy feels like a girl inside. He prefers to play with dolls instead of cars. He likes to watch emotional dramas instead of action movies. He would feel so ashamed of this non-compliance, won’t he? Why so? That’s all because of our damn societal customs, which blindly directs that a person should behave in a manner that’s appropriate to one’s gender at birth. But, why can’t a person live a life he/she desires? Why can’t the society, which claims to give you the freedom to live with dignity, accept the mere fact that you don’t want to be what actually you are born as? Why this injustice in the name of tradition and custom? Really pathetic!
This is for those non-stereotyped special people, who don’t give a damn about the society: “Live your life the way you desire because it’s your life and not of others, and I am sure that people will support you someday. Don’t lose hope! Just be what you are and be proud of it! There’s nothing wrong! Be Yourself!”
About the Author: This article is contributed by Palak Jain,our intern.