IAS Officer Harassed At Her Own Sexual Harassment Hearing. What The Hell?

IAS Officer Harassed At Her Own Sexual Harassment Hearing. What The Hell?

See this Facebook post by Riju Bafna. It would begin with something that would give all the Indian women hope and then suddenly, you will be let down!

As per of her criminal case against Santosh Chaubey (Aayogmitra of MP Human Rights Commission), who was sending her indecent messages, she visited the Judicial Magistrate. to give her statement.

“While I was giving my statement, an advocate named Lalit Sharma was standing next, overhearing my statement, along with others in the court. I asked the judicial magistrate to ask others to leave as I was uncomfortable giving my statement in front of so many people. On saying this, Lalit Sharma started shouting at me, saying “how dare you suggest me to leave, I am an advocate here and you might be an officer in your office but not in the Court”. I told him that the privacy I am demanding is not as an IAS officer but as a woman and laws provide me with that.”

When she spoke up to the Judicial Magistrate about discretion when hearing a woman’s statement, “…he said that you are young and that’s why demanding such things.”

It is horrifying that an IAS officer has to regret being born in India. In her words:  If you are born in this country, better prepare yourself for struggle at every step or die within every day.


Ishita Kapoor

Ishita Kapoor

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