I don’t want to be a victim of RAPE-Related Pregnancy

We never ‘want’ to be pregnant until we have a grand wedding, Right? We never ‘want’ to have a baby unless we are sure of it, Right? We never ‘want’ a child unless we are sure we will be able to take care of him/her, Right? We never ‘want’ a child because until we’re finally ready, Right? But have you ever thought about those young girls, young women, or even older women who have been forced into pregnancy? I guess not, so here’s a heads up for all the women who bravely walk out of their houses, working hard every day in whatever they do for a living. Several people have probably heard about the term ‘forced pregnancy’ but do not wish to openly have a conversation or discussion about it. Why? Because it’s better off unspoken? Because you’re embarrassed of what the society will say if you talk about these issues?
Forced pregnancy is basically forcing a woman to get married. This may happen by forcing her to get married or sometimes by breeding slaves. Pregnancy from rape is a whole new different and cruel aspect of forced pregnancy though. Rape-related pregnancy occurs with significant frequency. It is a cause of many unwanted pregnancies and is closely linked with family and domestic violence. However, this doesn’t just involve women, but little girls from all ages to old women too. As soon as a girl starts menstruating, she can get pregnant. Now, when we speak of rapes in this country, it’s like an everyday event because watching the news, you see them talking about so many women being raped. Some fight back with the police, some don’t, and some unknowingly getting pregnant. Today if we hear about another rape, our reaction is so insensitive towards such events because we are so conditioned to listening to the same thing every day. Yet, we still don’t do anything about it. Then, you get back to the same society that says children are a blessing from God. What about such children? How will you raise such children with self respect and dignity in this country? What kind of a man preys on underage girls? Sometimes, women are pregnant after being raped by their own husbands, yet, this wonderful law overlooks. But, in a country where rape doesn’t have capital punishment, then what about getting a girl pregnant without her consent? But things don’t stop there, when she plans to abort that child, the society pounces on her as if she were dead meat. The topic of rape-related pregnancy is often neglected when it comes to the rape victim, so why don’t you want to talk or discuss about this openly? However, the victim on the other hand, has no choice, because you don’t give her one. If she plans on keeping the baby, she and her child is pointed fingers at for the rest of their lives, and if she wants to abort it, she’s a murderer. Where you say, pregnancy is supposed to be the nest nine months in a woman’s life, then you treat such victims like they’re unclean even when they’re not at fault.
Furthermore, when someone says, “The girl provokes the man to rape her” then you deserve to be hanged, not the victim, because a girl will NEVER ask you to rape her. She will never want herself respect to be hampered, her dignity to be damaged or her soul to be cut into pieces. She will never WANT a child without her consent. So, for those idiots who still think it’s the girl’s fault if she’s a victim of rape-related pregnancy, go hang yourself because if you don’t know the problem, you have no right to discuss about it in such a ridiculous manner.
About the Author: This article is contributed by Sonia David, our Intern. Sonia is a funky and sweet girl who is currently pursuing her Bachelor of Arts in Communicative English from Jyoti Nivas College, Autonomous in Bangalore. She loves writing, sketching and reading. She believes that women deserve much more and together, women can turn the world right side up!