Harnaam Kaur—The Body-Confidence Activist & Bride Who Loves Her ‘Beard’

Meet Harnaam Kaur, a young woman and recent bride whose wedding pictures went viral because of the presence of her beard — which was beautifully adorned with flowers to complement her white gown.
“I stopped self harming and I have now fallen in love with the elements on my body that people may call ‘flaws’. I love my beard, my stretch marks and my scars.” – Harnaam Kaur After years of intense bullying and cruel taunts, now Harnaam Kaur is changing the way society perceives beauty. Her bridal photo shoot is going viral on social media. “I have good news. My bridal photoshoot pictures are going to be up on www.rocknrollbride.com I am sooo excited to see them on there” said Harnaam on her Instagram page where she calls herself ‘Bearded Dame’. Twenty-four-year-old British woman of Indian origin, Harnaam Kaur has been growing a beard since the age of 11 after being diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome, a condition which causes excess hair growth due to the excessive production of male hormones.
While growing up in the UK, Kaur started growing a beard at the age of 11. She was teased relentlessly from nursery right through to high school for having facial hair. After years of intense bullying and cruel taunts that led to self-harm and suicidal thoughts, Kaur has accepted herself for all she is.
Born into a Sikh family, Kaur embraced her faith—which forbids the removal of bodily hair—as she began to grow her beard: ‘For me at the age of 16, when I did decide to be baptised and I had to keep the hair, it just fitted in with my life and I fell in love with my religion’, Kaur told the wedding blog Rock ‘N Roll Bride.
British photographer Louisa Coulthurst from Urban Bridesmaid Photography was impressed with Kaur’s attitude and she recently had Harnaam’s bridal-themed shots at her South London based studio.
“I tried being societies version of normal once. It was the worst decision that i had ever made! I love being a bearded lady, a gender bender, a body confidence activitst and an anti bullying activist. My passion is to show everybody that we are all beautiful in our own perfect way. Our beauty shines from the deepest pit of our heart! We radiate love and compassion! And we shine like the gems that we hold within us. Remember to celebrate your individuality and embrace it with an open heart!” – says Kaur on her Instagram account.