”Gender Disparity”

People believe that gender defines and determines the role and status of men and women in the society. They think that gender roles are natural and unalterable. The moment a child is born people start the difference process. Yes, the discriminating process! While the birth of girls creates woe, sons are showered with love and respect. While boys are given the liberty to do anything, girls are restricted in every possible way. The reality of gender difference in India is incredibly complicated and varied. Gender difference dwells in every sphere of life. Boys are constantly preferred over girls.
India has witnessed gender difference from its early history as a result of “its socio-economic and religious practices that resulted in an exceedingly wide disparity between men and women”. Women’s lives are shaped by customs that are centuries old. A girl is rarely independent. Gender gaps obstruct girls from participation in social, political and economic activities. The mortality rates of girls are high. Statistics reveal that in India “males greatly outnumber females and this imbalance has multiplied over time”. Even on the educational front, gender discrimination is quite obvious. Gender equality is a prerequisite for solving the issues like poverty, sustainable development and good governance. It is shocking that despite the laws enacted to ensure gender equality women still lead a painful life. There is a need for new organizations to incorporate new norms that support equal relations between women and men. It is a good sign that modern women seek ways to empower themselves. However, we still have miles to go. It is rightly said, “Men and women are like two wheels of a carriage. The life of one without the other is incomplete.” — About the Author: The article has been contributed by our intern , Nandita Verma.