”Education is my birth right”

”You are about to complete graduation now. Why do you want to study further? Get a job and prepare yourself to be a wife ! “ Sounds familiar? It’s nothing new. If you are a girl , you would understand the underneath floating insecurities the statement itself carries. If you are pursuing graduation or even planning to , this thought would be enough to infuriate you. Further, sometimes you may even ponder upon the “mentality “ floating in our society for ages now. If not this, some of you reading it might repudiate and still not thing of making a move to improve the circumstances. Oh! Wait! Even this “Chalta hai “ attitude might save the so perceived embarrassment at the hands of counterparts. And the next obvious thing you do is the safest – keeping a silence.
Negligence is the root cause of most problems women face in our society . It can be towards studies, fundamental rights , profession or least family. The name given to the two sexes in our society “ men “ and “ women” began with a need to easily classify requirements of each individual. It amended production of the best quality service but failed to recognize change and development on the whole.Despite of numerous schemes for children around the country , girls for the age of 5 are taught the importance of household works before making her understand the importance of self esteem before anything else.This primarily instigates the ignorance of education for girls .
Education as described by India’s first woman Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi states – “ Education is a liberating force and I our age it is also& democratizing force, cutting across the baring smoothing out inequalities imposed by birth and other circumstances” . These famous words summarises the importance of education and commences the blessing to educate girls. Education takes initiative of the learner and the learned to understand the importance of getting educated and passing on education to the society. A few of them Nobel Prize winners Malala Yousafzai and Kailash Sayarthi have set the road cleared to impart education. While others still work on viewing education as a commodity to prove their illusions true .When will the intellects of the society see the girls as a resource rather than a burden ? When will the open minds work? The questions still remain unanswered. — About the Author: The article has been contributed by our intern, Shilpy Sharan.