9 Things You Will Miss About Your Mother After Marriage

If women could pick one thing they hate about getting married, most of them would probably choose the traditional norm of leaving their home. Leaving behind their mothers and the comfort and the warmth this home offers is not such a welcome side of marriage and it’s always the women leaving their home. The love of a mother is indeed immeasurable and leaving it behind is truly heartbreaking, but there’s no way around it.
Today, let’s take a little road trip down the memory lane, and reminisce about the sweet moments the majority of us share with our mothers before we get married.
- You will miss the delectable home-cooked food
A good gourmet meal from a restaurant is tempting, mouth watering, but it’s not the ideal definition of comfort food. Is it? The ideal comfort foods are the meals our moms cook for us, with an abundance of love, and a lot of desi ghee.
- Ghar ki chai will always be close to your heart
The hot piping tea on a relaxing evening on the weekend made by our lovely moms is always relaxing and works wonders as the perfect stress buster. No matter where we go after marriage, the tea in the balcony with our mums by our side…well, nothing can beat that.
- The perfect head massage sessions
Whether it is some hair fall or a stubborn headache, mums have always been the savior! Her gentle fingers massaging our scalp accompanied with her advice on the benefits of applying oil on hair regularly and a light hearted conversation. Sure we can oil our hair on our own but when our moms do it for us, isn’t it so relaxing and loving?
- The sudden street food & shopping sprees
We all love a girls day out, especially when it’s just us and our moms going out on a shopping and gol gappas date. The laughter, the conversations we have about the quality and designs of the clothes, and the strolls from one store to another create such precious memories to us. And her amazing bargaining skills, that saved us a lot of money. And, the stress of the upcoming gol gappa while there’s already one in our mouths as we look at each other, go ‘nahin, pehle aap khao!’
- Hugging our mums, the best stress buster
The warmth in her hugs, the gentleness with which she holds us in her arms is unmatchable. A long tiring day at work can easily be compensated by her hugs.
- The Love and Guidance
It doesn’t matter how much we disagree with our mothers’ opinions on certain things and blame it on the generation gap, but it’s also undeniable that she sometimes gives us the finest advice. She wants the best for us, so when we are troubled, her advice, love, guidance come to the rescue.
- The crazy gossip sessions
A majority of us women feel this intense need to tell our moms everything about our day and gossip about things…don’t you! Time passes by when the gossiping starts, whether it’s about family, friends, workplace drama or even life currently.
- The doctorly care when we get sick
Mothers always play this pivotal role in our recovery, no matter what the sickness. They are our nurse, our doctor and everything we need during this period. The actual doctor diagnoses and prescribes medicines but it’s our mothers who restore our health, mentally, emotionally and physically. Her sleepless nights, sitting awake beside our bed in case we need anything, and the constant head pats to comfort us regardless of what time it is.
- Their worries don’t seem annoying after we’re married
Sure it did seem annoying when our phones were bombarded with hundreds of texts and calls from our moms asking about our well beings. Her constant worries about us seemed baseless at that time, but now when we have a long day, don’t we feel nostalgic thinking about how our moms would worry for us.
The reality is that we all miss our moms but the life after marriage gets us so busy that we seldom think about this feeling. Not being able to see them everyday right after we wake up, that hurts, doesn’t it?
But why feel bad thinking of the mom we miss so much when we can just drop in for a surprise! So, go see your mom today if you haven’t already!