”5 ways to a successful relationship”

It is very easy to get into a relation but it is difficult to sustain one as relations needs to be nurtured from both the sides so that it flourishes properly. Such platonic relations between a man and a woman can only work out with love and care. Wooing a girl seems to be quite easy but loving her is indeed a task on its own. Relations are delicate and only sheer love can withstand disruptions but at times women get infuriated by the peculiar habits of men. Here is how to ensure that your relation goes smoothly-
1.To start with, never comment/ ask about her weight. And asking about her weight is an indirect way of calling a girl overweight. If you find them fat, say, “you are healthy”. Healthy is the new word of the town to tell someone decently that they need to reduce.
2.Never argue with them because, “in an argument, one is always right and the other is always the male.” So, beware of arguing with them, otherwise, even if their points make no sense, you are bound to lose. So better not waste your energy and their time.
3.Never say a to women when they ask for shopping. Shopping is every woman’s birth right. And you should never say no to her.
4.If you are a couple, then avoid comparing your parents to hers. You must respect the fact that both of your parents have unique set of qualities that can be found in couple nowhere. So, don’t compare or comment on her parents. And for that matter, never entertain even her comments on your parents. Equal respect to elders from both the sides is necessary for a fruitful relationship.
5. Also, appreciate her for the delicious food she cooks for you.At times you should even cook for her for she would love to see your company in the kitchen.
A girl leaves her entire family, even her surname, to come for you, so, it’s your responsibility to keep her happy, safe and satisfied.
About the author: The article has been s contributed by our intern, Prashansa Ranjan. She is pursuing B.A. from Christ University, Bangalore. She is a firm believer of the Gandhian quote-” Be the change you want to see in the world”. She writes poems and articles in her free time, she believes that every woman should be equal to men in all respects. This equality can be achieved when we start from scratch; the process of restructuring the social mindsets.