10 Skin Care Mistakes That Are Damaging Your Face

We would have heard many times about do’s and dont’s regarding using various skin products and sometimes we would have heard the same things again and again, but do we really follow them? Or we just ignore them?
Many times, we just ignore them thinking they are some useless tips. It’s high time that we start caring for our skin. Here are a few really useful tips for all your girls:
- Changing cosmetics very often:
It is difficult to resist the purchase of any cosmetic product whose advertisement we see in the magazines or television etc. and also, sometimes there are discounts available on these cosmetic items. However, it’s still worth doing your best to resist these cosmetics as we already have those products at our homes that we are comfortable with. Frequent change in cosmetics can also lead to allergy.
- Using facial scrub on a daily basis:
Our skin has a tendency to regenerate by itself without any external help but still we use scrub so that we can speed up the regeneration process of our skin. Scrub helps peeling the skin faster as well as cleanses it but if we use scrub too often then we are depriving our skin of its protective layer leading to damage of the skin.
- Not using makeup removers:
In order to simplify our evening, make up routine we may be washing off the makeup along with the dust of the city with one cleanser or simply using water. By doing this we not only save time but along with it we also leave some cosmetic particles on our face that may lead to clogging of pores, acne, increase in the oil content of the skin, etc. So its always better to use a makeup remover so that our skin doesn’t gets spoilt.
- Using the same pillow covers for about 2 weeks:
Even though we might be washing our hair regularly and cleaning our face every evening before going to bed but our pillow covers have stores of dust, particles of epithelium and pet hair. After the pillow has been used for about 2-3 days it can lead to blemishes in our face.
It is advisable to change the pillow covers once in every two days so that they don’t have any side effects on our face.
- Toner not being part of our daily routine:
Toner is a product that maintains the pH balance of the skin and also prepares the skin. Even a moisturising cream works more effectively when used with toner. It is necessary to use toner so that it soothes our skin and prevents it from getting damaged by various beauty products.
- Using powder as a means to remove oil:
A face that is oily in texture tends to shine and this can become an issue in summers. We tend to use powder to reduce the oil and the shine on our skin. Unfortunately powder usage may not help in removing the shine on our face for a long period of time but can result in clogging of pores. Instead of using powder we can use matte wipes to remove excess oil.
- Correcting our eyebrows before applying makeup:
If we suddenly find extra hair on our eyebrows or on our upper lips leave them till the evening as people might be rarely able to notice that little extra hair growth. When we generally pluck our eyebrows then it leads to redness or inflammation that will be visible so it is advisable to pluck the extra hair in the evening so that by the next day morning the redness and inflammation reduces.
- Washing our face before taking shower:
Of course, we can wash our face any time of day according to our wish but it is advisable to cleanse our face a little after we have washed our hair as the hair products contains lots of chemicals that might be beneficial for the hair but can harm the skin of the face.
- When we don’t apply skin products before going to sleep:
Generally after wearing make up the whole day, we do not want to put anything on our face at all. However, our skin will restore if we apply a night cream, a serum or a mask as these will neutralise the negative effects that have affected our skin.
- When we don’t use SPF products on cloudy days:
Generally, those who want to take care of their skin and look younger have realised the importance of using SPF products on sunny days even we when are in the city and not only on the beach. But there are many of us who forget to protect their skin on cloudy days. Harmful ultraviolet rays are always there so its important for us to use SPF products even on cloudy days so our skin is always protected from the unwanted harmful rays so that the skin remains healthy.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: This article is written by Aishwarya Seetharaman, our intern.