You just can’t ignore 50 % of the population!

Have you heard of this song by Rihanna called Disturbia? “It’s a disease of your mind, it can control you” The lyrics say! The lyrics are accurate in describing what I was feeling yesterday.
It was just my regular trip to the station as I went back home from my French classes which ends up at around 7.00 p.m. Due to some miscommunication, my friend left early and I had to hail down the cab alone to go to the station. I did get a cab which was a Maruti Omni Van. Suddenly I became paranoid about the possibilities (Rape, Murder, and Prostitution) that could happen with me. Nothing in that man’s appearance suggests that he is anything other than a cab driver but I do have that thought in my head that Rapists are usually not distinguishable with dark halo around their head. I reached safely but however I had taken some safety measures with me. In the seven minutes ride, I talked to my friend emphasizing the fact that I’ll be reaching in five minutes and that she should wait for me. The time I was not on the phone, I was keeping a close watch on directions he was taking thanks to my GPS. If not Safe, I felt somewhat in control of the situation (All thanks to the various things that I have heard about Woman safety). Paranoia ruled my head for those seven minutes ride of about 3.2 km distance in Mumbai. Then I felt silly, is this what my life is going to be for the rest of my life? Have you ever felt this way? Helpless? Defenseless? Weak? It’s time that you understand the need for an elaborate system which works with efficiency not just to comfort the Victim and provide support but also to fight such fear circling about these problems. Developed Countries have Rape Centers, Effective Social workers, Group Therapies for Individuals to get together and discuss such issues rather than just caving in a corner. Their System is not perfect but at least it is a step towards a positive action. We, Indians, need to get out of the long past glory of prestigious culture and accept that Krishna doesn’t always come to help women who are about to be molested or treated cruelly. That such Tragic and disturbing incidents happen, and they aren’t invited by women and also calling them ‘Bhaiya’ won’t make a saint of such scum of people. Sitting at home, because it’s unsafe is not a viable option either because people are getting raped in their homes too. An Information Network should be set up which creates a connect between law and Society. Women should be aware of their rights and have easy access to resources to ask for help be it from Police, NGO’s or the Proposed Rape centers. Police Departments in collaboration with Government and Ngo Outfits should have public outreach programs to drill some essentials of living in a society into Young and Old People as well. Politics should be absolutely kept out of such affairs because at least as of now, The cases which do see the light of the day in our current affairs become political Propaganda and Misery of the Victim becomes a source of entertainment for these political wanna-be’s to talk insensitively and endlessly about nothing in particular. As an emerging Global Power, India can’t afford to overlook the interest of nearly fifty percent of its population and should not too. Because Women don’t just Rock the castle but they hold EQUAL RIGHTS too!
———— About the Author: This article has been contributed by Rashmi Singh, our intern. Rashmi is a student of Bachelors of Mass Media who supports Life, Liberty and equality; She even believes in democracy.