Why is porn a taboo?

We all have experienced that part of life in which we used to sneak into our rooms, lock the door and put on some sweet American girl or boy on action.
Watching porn, clearing the history and acting as if nothing happened was a frequent scene. It was a common thought that watching porn is frowned upon and only spoilt kids watch it. Once I had this random thought that why are we ashamed of just watching porn but there are plenty of people out there who feel proud by acting or producing it?
Most people judge porn stars and porn producers as troubled people and as if only the gangs or the mafia runs this business. It is a common ideology that acting in porn might be cool for a man, but a woman porn star is a slut. People think that though the porn stars life seems glamorous from the outside, it is filled with depression, loneliness and an incapability to form meaningful, lasting relationships.
Although there are several cases like these, there are also plenty of women who love the business and are happy with their career choice. In the documentary ‘9 to 5; Days in Porn’, few porn stars are interviewed and their life is publicized. Most of them have a husband who respects the career choice of their wife. Even I’m one of those people who wouldn’t be too happy if their wives worked in porn. But what is wrong when both the parties are comfortable and happy with their choices and their way of life? Same is the case with prostitution. Although most girls are forced into the business, there could be women who don’t mind getting paid for sex. If a woman is good looking and is good in bed, she has the right to sell her talent and make money out of it. Women in these professions should not be guilty for their choice and must stand up for themselves.
Why do people judge others on the basis of their working in the porn or prostitution industry? It is a woman’s choice to work in a profession of her choice. If she likes having sex, it’s her choice and it’s nothing to do with us. No one is forcing us to have her services. It is not wrong if she is comfortable with it. Every woman is free to choose for herself. HER CHOICE!
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