VIRAL: This Punjab Cop Tells Women To Put Men To ‘Work At Home’ During Lockdown

Ever since PM Modi has announced lockdown, there is one section of our country that seems to be in a problem with the decision (on a lighter note). Yes, I am talking about all the women (and some men too), who now have to do a lot of chores and meet the never-ending demand of all the family members who wants something to eat at every alternate hour.
While everyone else is tired of being bored and often wants to get out on the streets to check the ‘maahool’ of the lockdown thereby breaking the lockdown protocol, Punjab Police came up with a wonderful idea to stop such people.
In a video shared online, A Punjab Cop can be seen requesting women to engage men in the household work during the lockdown.
This Punjab cop telling women to put men to work at home during #lockdownindia wins the Internet. Go home yo!!!
— Nistula Hebbar (@nistula) March 27, 2020
In the video, he addresses to all the women and appeals;
“None of us are unaware of the state of Coronavirus Disease in our Country. Our Prime Minister and Chief Ministers of different states have been talking about it.”
“Therefore, I have a request to make to all my sisters that if men at home are idle and its getting impossible for them to stay indoors, put them to work. Give them the task of cleaning home and terraces. Ask them to wash clothes and clean utensils. You will have three advantages of doing this, your house will get clean, the virus will get clean and in addition to that they will also get clean.”
In addition to that, he said, “They will learn how to cook food in this 21-day lockdown period so women don’t have to bother in future about who will cook in their absence. When they’re indoors, you take them to work, if they’ll come out, we’ll take care of them. They are roaming around day and night without any purpose while you all are working day and night.”
“So if they are tired of doing nothing and are bored resting at home in the next three weeks, the let them work at home”
People love this video and here’s what they have to say:
This Punjab cop telling women to put men to work at home during #lockdownindia wins the Internet. Go home yo!!!
— Nistula Hebbar (@nistula) March 27, 2020
This Punjab cop telling women to put men to work at home during #lockdownindia wins the Internet. Go home yo!!!
— Nistula Hebbar (@nistula) March 27, 2020
This Punjab cop telling women to put men to work at home during #lockdownindia wins the Internet. Go home yo!!!
— Nistula Hebbar (@nistula) March 27, 2020
A very strong and important message has been given by this officer of Punjab Police. It is not just about keeping men indoors but also about sharing the load and working together with our mothers in this crucial time. We all must learn what he is saying. Let’s imbibe his lessons and appreciate the work women do for all of us by helping them in the best way possible.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: This article is written by Shreya Kohli, our editor.