She “needs” to speak – Why it is important to have women who speak their minds!

In the fast paced world of today where everyone is running madly in the “rat race” and in the process have lost their ability as well as inclination to think or do something that cuts across the conventions of this rat society, it has become increasingly important that one preserves one’s individuality and this is even more important for a woman since her identity is already marred by question marks and forced obligations.
It is becoming increasingly evident that efforts have been made and will continue to be made to throttle the voices of the so called “weaker sex” but women need to stand stronger and raise their voices to higher octaves of intellect and reason so that their ideas aren’t sent down an abyss and they make their word heard as well as counted. It is very important that we have women who possess the strength to speak their minds. A woman is the future bearer and it’s her responsibility to speak up and give her opinions on any matter that concerns the society. She is the one who has been given the divine responsibility to continue the human race and therefore it’s her right to have a say in everything.
If a woman bows down to pressures, she isn’t only giving up on her rights but she also paves the way for violation of women’s rights at a larger scale. By not speaking she not only becomes a victim but acts as a propeller for further victimisation too. She betrays the very spirit of being a woman.
A woman who knows what and when to speak is the best one. She doesn’t give up on her ideas and her beliefs and makes sure that they are heard and not considered as mere words. Each time an aware woman raises her voice, she glorifies the gift of being a woman. Such women are a blessing to the entire womankind.
A woman who has courage enough to stand up for her thoughts is always met with the fiercest opposition and it should come as no surprise that no matter the position of a woman in the society her words are never given as much importance as that of a man. Consider it another convention or just the outcome of what has been fed to us since generations, it’s a woman who always has to bear the burnt of it.
But it requires a woman of substance to stand tall even amidst all the oppositions and put forth her views and fight for what she believes is right. We have many such examples, right from Rani Laksmi Bai to Jennifer Lawrence the world is full of examples of women who spoke up and are speaking up.
——————– About the Author: This article is contributed by Uroosa Wani, our intern.