Sexual Assault Awareness Month

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) in the United States, but it’s time that even we celebrate it, not because US does, but because we need it badly!
During SAAM activists raise awareness about sexual violence and educate communities and individuals on how to prevent it. Here is the list of things you should be doing for this month!
1. Get more and more people to visit here at
2. Invite people to our website: and tell theM to share their stories of harassment with us, so that we can spread it and save other girls from getting harassed! To SHARE STORIES, you can write to us either at our Facebook Page or shoot us an Email at:
3. Stop being silent and fight back against any abuse! Bring violence out from behind closed doors. Compaint! Take Help! Fight back!
4. Learn Self Defense so that protecting yourself is easier!
5. If you can give birth to a child, you can do anything in this world, no matter you are an AAM Aurat or whatever!
———— ABOUT THE AUTHOR: This article is written by Ishita kapoor. Ishita sees her passion in writing and hopes to change the world by not only giving them their piece of mind, but also receiving their opinion and then judging what’s correct. She is also the Co – founder of Respect Women and an initiator in making people get their voices heard.