Saloni Chopra’s Posts About Women, Sex & Slut-Shaming Are Owning The Internet!

We girls are always being told what we’re supposed to do, we are always restricted on how to talk, who to talk to, where to sit, how to sit and so on! And it’s always the society that gets to decide what is “right” for us. But why? If we can manage our home well and if we can bring new life into this world, why can’t we decide what’s good and what’s bad for us? Well, well, Mumbai based 25-year-old actress Saloni Chopra addressed some of these issues through a series of Instagram posts, and her comments are OMG! Read on to know what she has to say about objectification, sexuality and slut shaming.
On virginity
Image: Saloni Chopra on Instagram “Here’s a little tribute to all the women out there. Women that I adore, and I’m inspired by. Women that are unique and independent. All of you… You are strength. “I am a Virgin. I may not look like one, so what? What’s a virgin girl suppose to look like anyway? Am I not suppose to dye my hair, just because I’m a virgin? Should I not open my legs, or smoke a Cigarette? Sure, smoking is injurious to your health, but don’t say it like it’s injurious to only “women’s health”. I am sick and tired of being judged. You see me walking by, and you think i’m the kind of girl that’ll flirt with you, or i’m high on drugs, or that I’m a lesbian (which is none of your business), just because of the way I look. So I like making a fucking loud statement, what has sex got to do with it? Yeah, I’m a virgin, and maybe I will lose my virginity tomorrow, or maybe I won’t, for the next 5 years. But i’ll dress the way I like, and I don’t give you the right to judge me for it.”
On clothes
Image: Saloni Chopra on Instagram “I hate pants. I hate bra’s too. I am so much more comfortable when I throw on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and walk out of my house to buy my groceries, instead of having to wear a bra, put on a pair of jeans- I hate it. I like my body just the way it is, I’m more than comfortable in it. But clearly, you have a problem with my comfort. You want me to cover myself up all the time. Even though your mumma’s got the same things that I do, but why is it that when you see me you get aroused without any reason? Do you feel weird seeing me in my underwear? Would a bikini be okay for you? Why is it that you assume, when you see a girl like me, in clothes that are too small (but one’s she’s happy to be in) you automatically assume that I’m a slut. You assume that it’s okay to touch me, and tease me. You want to teach me a lesson. You call me characterless, a slut, or a whore. Firstly, no girl, even if she does the things you disapprove of, is a slut or a whore. It’s her body and her choice. Secondly, my clothes don’t define me. I am an introvert. I am shy as fuck. I can’t start a conversation with a stranger at a party… That’s just not me. And it bothers me, that you think I have no character, just because you can see my underpants. They cover my ass, and they sure as hell cover my vagina. The problem lies within you, not me. I do have a character. I just may not be able to ever say this out loud to you, because that’s not who I am. I am not that bold, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t hold the right to be respected in this society.”
On sexuality
Image: Saloni Chopra on Instagram “All my life, they told me what to do. I was raised very well, with all necessary etiquettes & requirements that a wife should have. I can cook, clean, stitch, feed, lift and provide pleasure, as and when needed. I am well aware, that I am not suppose to have a sexual drive of my own. That’s not what I am here for. But what if, that is what I want to discover right now? My own sexuality? Because I like the act of sex. There are still places where I could be killed for saying that out loud. Definitely be looked down upon. But why is it okay for me to have sex just to please him, but not want to do it when I am aroused or horny? What about my hormones? What if I am not just this body of mine? I don’t even know if it is men, or women that I desire. And I will never know, because I’ve always been petrified to find out. I am too scared to ask. I am shunned down from it. Who am I? What if all I want to do is travel the world, work in villages, help people, and explore my sexuality as I go? I don’t think I want to have kids, or to ever cook again. I do not want to lie down under him for the three and a half minutes that I do, I want to moan and scream. I want someone to explore not just my body, but my mind and my soul. I want to be touched, without being entered. I want to learn everything there is to learn, outside of what I know. I don’t want to be his trophy, or his slave. I want to be me. And I don’t want to be ashamed of telling you that I want to have orgasms. This is who I am. My culture, or my history will not change that. I am proud of where I belong, it’s not the place, but the people that are bothered. If The Kama Sutra can emerge from our Culture and History, then why can’t I? Give me the freedom… to be me.”
On independence
Image: Saloni Chopra on Instagram “I wanted to be a teacher, and an astronaut. I wanted to become a dancer. I wanted to plant trees and have kids. I was the girl who ordered coffee right before you at the Starbucks this morning. The girl that broke the traffic light last night at 10 pm. I was travelling in the auto next to yours, three nights ago. You tried to chat me up last week at the bar down the street. You also almost sold me a credit card this afternoon, but I was running around at work and I hung up before you could. I am the girl with the parents that live far away, in Amritsar. I am the girl who grew up with six siblings. And I am also her, who has nobody. I could be somebody’s sister, wife, daughter, mother, but what if I am not? Do I only not deserve to be raped and abused by the relationships I have? Is my relation to a man the only thing that defines me? What if I am not a daughter, a sister, a mother or a wife? What if I am just… me? Yes, I am that virgin who likes to make a statement with her attire. I am the shy girl, comfortable in her skin. I am dying to explore my sexuality and yes, I’m the girl that’s been sexually abused in the past. I am not just that I am many more. I am studying for my exams. I am travelling back drunk at 3 am from a party. I am standing outside a bar, crying over a bad break up. I am working in a call centre, to support my younger brother’s education. I have been in love. I have dreams and goals and ambitions. I am an individual. I am strong. I am every girl that has ever been touched, teased, slapped, abused or raped. I am also every girl that is scared of being alone on the streets, because I am scared of being objectified. I am a goddess, you say. Then why am I so scared of your presence around me? Why am I not safe? Why am I not… Independent?” And we totally agree – what a girl wants to do should be her “business”…and not the world’s. You go, girl!