Rush Limbaugh: Rushing over woman’s dignity

‘Slut’ and ‘prostitute’, yes, this is what Rush Limbaugh considers Sandra Fluke, the women’s rights activist, who fights for a noble cause called insurance for contraceptives, may be because she is on the Republican side of table and he sits amongst the Conservatives. Well, he surely strengthens his place by constantly criticizing Fluke. It isn’t everybody’s cup of tea to expose them to the professional front at a tender age of 16 but Mr. Limbaugh did and it became a reason enough for his notoriously successful career.
The Rush Limbaugh Show, being the highest-rated talk-radio program in the United States gives Mr. Limbaugh the strength to accuse women like Sandra Fluke and label them as ‘slut’ and ’round-heeled’. This sexist man accuses the Nobel women Sandra by saying, “she wants to be paid for sex”, and this is what makes her a ‘slut’, and may be Mr. Limbaugh, this is what makes you a sexist and a blinkered man! We know Mr. Limbaugh that your show is listed as the most-listened-to talk show with a weekly audience of 15 million, by even the Talkers Magazine in 2012, but it does not give you the right to accuse women, and furthermore, persuade the audience and lead them the wrong way. Batting these numbers is not easy for anyone unless they are either the most noble of all or speak derogatory things (specially) about women like our self claimed critic Mr. Rush Limbaugh. This man has an exclusive suggestion for men who love staring at women’s breasts. He suggests- Dear Men, When you find yourself staring, looking at, casually glancing at a woman, but you just can’t do that because it is a social taboo, you can walk up to the woman and say, “Will you please ask your breasts to stop staring at my eyes?” Try that. Might help. And you don’t know ’til you try it. My Gosh! Reading this man’s comments gave me goose bumps, I just couldn’t stop thinking of it all night. The 62-year man is a witty political commentator however he had often apologized for his wittiness in the past but it generally is considered to be ‘dubious’ (Sandra Fluke claims it). Considering liberalism as an easy way to create bias he never fails to make his point reach people via his unimaginably successful show. He enjoys the fame and is also one of the highly paid media personal. He knows how to use his influence over people and rush over woman’s dignity by accusing them with deprecating words and slang’s, calling the activist as a slut, and then apologizing by calling them ’round heeled’, which means the same as ‘slut’. It is no farce that even after criticizing the efforts taken towards emancipating women, he comes out of these situations which make it obvious that he truly has the acumen to persuade people. You are not a true media-person unless you can ‘read between the lines’. But reading between lines never mean you fit your own alienated words to it.
Mr. Limbaugh may enjoy the huge audience base but it is the prerogative of only a liberal and broad-minded man to enjoy the fan following. With his spooky comments he unfailingly puts a step forward in demeaning the people around. Thus, it is even sad to consider, process of demeaning, on the part of a media person who is the backbone of voicing people’s opinion rather than implementing self notions on them. Mr. Limbaugh, you might have succeeded to impress few of your audiences, but there are a lot of them who luckily, know the truth about you! ————
About the Author: This article is contributed by Snigdha Jindal, our Guest Writer. Snigdha is a student of development communication in AJK MCRC Jamia Millia Islamia. She constantly wishes to put her effort in understanding and improving the problems of Women at the root level via writing, photography or any other medium which incites the general interest.