Marriage- The legal form of slavery

In movies, in songs, in dramas, Husbands are portrayed as slaves to wife. Well that is true just in reel terms There is a role reversal in real life! Well slaves were bought for money by owners But here the terms aren’t the same. Here the slave’s family gives and gives And the owner lends just the name! The slave’s sale is a grand event, Loads of pomp and show. Cause it is not a small trade deal, Everyone got to know! When the slave reaches the owners place Her welcome is like she will reign. But slowly and steadily truth unveils, And just one party is at gain! A full time maid and a chef, Also serves to master’s urges and pleasure, Gifts the family with their heirs Yet needs no salary, no leisure! Yet another purpose she can serve- Being a punch bag to her ‘lord’ Bare all the anger and yet stay calm Because her husband is her God! Obviously slavery is banned and illegal, But without maids life isn’t life. Then the most feasible alternative to a maid- Is to marry and get a wife!
———— About the Author: This article is contributed by Ashwarya Bhardwaj, our intern. Ashwarya is an Economics Hons. Student form I.P College for Women, Delhi university. For her, words are her weapon to fight against the evils and her writing is a medium to pour her heart out on issues of concern. She is a firm believer of girl power and is contributing her bit to empower it.”