Marriage: Commitment or Contract?

As the people reach the age of 25, a thought comes into their mind- MARRIAGE.
What is marriage? According to Hinduism, it is the bonding of 2 souls, a very sacred affair that is not committed for one life only, it continues for many lives (janmas) but the scenario has changed now, people think to get married because a boys alone can’t do his household chores and they need someone to look after them, and women need a partner too. It is like taking contract of a girl for a period till she dies, because for a society, a girl needs a guy more than he needs her. In many homes, the girl is treated as a daily wage worker. After marriage people discover that things aren’t all honey and roses. Marriage is not only completing the rituals or formalities of some religion, it is committing oneself to your partner. While searching for a guy, parents usually prioritize the guy’s wealth more than his character. We have really lost their moral values? Now, its time to change, but is impossible unless people change their mind. ———— ABOUT THE AUTHOR: This article is written by Vijayanand A J , our intern.