”It’s inhuman to kill a girl”
Female foeticide is one of the deplorable problems of the modern society and it is substantially responsible for the decreasing number of females. In India, several agendas have to be accomplished. The decreasing rate of female foeticide is the major one among them. The problem of female foeticide has been perpetually harming the human race since ancient times. Female foeticide is an inhuman attempt to kill the female foetus after determining its gender using several techniques that prevails. The most common reasons for female foeticide are the traditional and social beliefs which consider females as a curse that leads to disharmony in and downfall of the family.
Gender discrimination that prevails in the society is another reason for female foeticide. The egregious result of female foeticide is the significant decline in the number of females over males. Unethical and unprofessional practices adopted by medical practitioners have given various paths, like ultrasound technology and obstetric ultrasonography, for narrow minded people to detect the gender of the foetus. The Government of India has passed multiple laws prohibiting female foeticide such as Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques Act (PNDT) in 1994, Pre-Conception and Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act in 2004, Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act of 1971 etc.
As per census of 2011 the number of females over males is 914 girls per 1,000 boys which is considerably low, and in some states of India like Haryana and Punjab the condition is very pathetic. This decline has been considered as a result of sex-selective abortions of female foetus. In an endeavour to achieve colossal developments in the field of science and technology India has forgot to achieve a sound and efficient human society that is free from social evils. Undoubtedly India has witnessed a great success in various fields and it is competing with the world at a global level but the picture at the gross root level is very cruddy. Existing dowry system adds fuel to the fire and afflicts the women community. In order to please the grooms, families of girls consider them as other’s asset and usually due to this reason their place in the family becomes subordinate and lower than boys. Parents consider their daughters like parcels and try to settle this burden by getting them married.
Preventive measures must be taken to end the epidemic of female foeticide and it can be controlled by the following measures: • Awareness campaigns must be organised across the country, especially in backward areas and education should be imparted regarding female foeticide. • Proper punishment and fines must be imposed on the persons involved in female foeticide. • Certificates of medical practitioners must be cancelled and they should be adequately punished, if found guilty of unprofessional practices. • Schemes should be declared by the central as well as the state governments for women’s empowerment.
— About the Author: The article has been contributed by our intern, Akash Agrawal.