Is she Monsterating…oops menstruating?

How can one possibly know if a woman is menstruating? The general consensus is that they complain about cramps, become moody and irritable, and have food cravings. Others will tell you that women start “PMSing” that is they show Pre menstrual symptoms. PMS is nothing but a few hormonal changes in the body during ovulation that manifests as physical and emotional symptoms like water retention in body, increased sensitivity and mood swings. It’s not necessary that every woman experiences such symptoms. Some feel absolutely nothing at all except for the uneasiness due to bleeding.
A number of men accuse women of becoming bitchy, mean and vexed while on periods. They say women become monsters and nothing can stand the power of such an extremely pissed off woman. A man can go ballistic out of his masculine ego. But if a woman does the same, beware! She is menstruating. Although I do not agree with such an overrated hype about menses, I feel glad that at least women have a natural excuse to justify their monthly “Monsteration”. I wonder what such men would have to say about their appetent monstrosity that they exhibit so heroically in the society. I have seen many girls making a big issue out of their periods. They would vent out their anguish since it becomes so tough for them to be in acceptance of their own body. They complain about their mothers or boyfriends for not being there while they were menstruating. Well, your boyfriend can’t really do anything about this because he is biologically different. He simply does not get it. You must understand your body well as to not seek sympathy from men for acknowledging what pain women go through. Every woman should persuade herself to be open to her doctor and friends in an attempt to differentiate between what is clinically normal and what requires medical help. One must know her cycle and hormonal fluctuations well in order to tackle routine life easily. According to my observation, I hardly come across young unmarried girls who would frequently go to their checkups.
Periods are very easy to gynecologist for routine handle and talk about if you ignore the stigma attached to them. Mothers discourage such conversations and visits to a doctor to avoid family inquisition and “protect” their daughters. A pant stained blue catches no attention but a pant stained red would have all the eyes and fingers on it. Society should have an understanding of periods as a natural regular process and that there is nothing so shameful and bizarre about it. I love periods for the real monsters they are, they make the strongest of nature’s creation (Men) say, “Thank God, I am not a woman, how would I bear the pain of menstruation.” So ladies recognize your strength for the society will always disguise it as weakness. ————
About the Author: This article has been contributed by Aqsa Zaidi, our intern. Aqsa is a Botany Hons. Student from Hindu College, Delhi University. She feels it’s her constant struggle and effort to understand and redefine independence and equality in its purest form through her writing . Believing in women and youth empowerment, Aqsa wants to induct the same in her readers.