Inequality Continues…

Discrimination has always been a debatable issue since decades. The accepted customs are to blame for this gender discrimination.
Few days back when I was attending a workshop on human rights, a professor told the basic reasons which made me think about discrimination of women so deeply. She said, from our childhood, we read stories where women were always portrayed as home makers and men as the earners, men don’t cry and women do. For example, in the story of Cinderella, the girl Cinderella used to sit by the fire and cry. It’s like our mentalities about this discrimination is set way before we started to understand things. And that’s the facet still our society continues to follow. A woman is differed in two categories, a working woman and a non-working woman. A working woman is the one who gets paid for working at least 8 hours a day and the other set of woman who are tagged as non-working women are the home makers, who work at least not less than 18 hours a day. Still they are called the non-working women. If a man does any household work, then they are said to be girly. I didn’t ever find the logic behind it till now. A woman is expected to do the household work even when they do the paid working. They are expected to cook, clean the house, do the shopping part, maintain the house, serve the food, take care of their children and the list goes on. It’s not only a woman’s responsibility to carry out the household works; a man has equal responsibility towards it. Caring and growing up their children is also a dual responsibility and not a woman’s responsibility alone. Even when a woman gets married, there are families who compel her to change her last name, to take care of the family of her husband. There are families who do not let their girl or daughter-in-law to take a step out of the four-walled room. Yes, still these kinds of families do exist! So, make your girl believe in herself, teach her to be strong and a self-assured person. Support her and teach her what is right and what is wrong, what her rights are, what she can achieve, and never teach her to be an insecure person. This world is unfair, but don’t let that affect your girl. Never instil the fear of living in an unjust society sheathe her. Discrimination can only be ceased when we stop making our girls a weak personality.
About the Author: This article is contributed by Amrita Dasgupta, our intern.
Also read: Emma Watson Tells Men It’s Time To Fight For Gender Equality