I was born a WOMAN…I shouldn’t be told how to become one!

A dictating voice echoes from all the corners: “Women ought to wear this, women ought to talk like this, women ought to walk like this and all the other ‘ought-tos’”. Wait, take a break and tell us! Who should decide what we ought to be like? Is it the men who themselves do not know how to be real men? Is it the society which itself has failed to establish gender equality? Why women are always expected to live up to the standards set by men? I have taken birth as a woman and I don’t need any modifications or renovations to become a ‘woman’ as per your definitions. How have these so-called “men” given themselves the right to pronounce their judgments over women? We don’t need a politician’s advice on what clothes we should wear and what we shouldn’t. We don’t need a set of laws telling us for what purpose our body is to be used. We don’t need the society’s advice on how a woman’s life is to be spent. We are not an object to be tuned by the owner.
Why only a woman is always instructed to act in a particular manner? If she doesn’t follow their instruction isn’t she a woman? First tell me, what is your definition of a ‘woman’? One who doesn’t speak? One who takes the oppression with obedience? One who doesn’t take a stand for her rights? One who wears what is right as per others’ view? If yes, then please get your facts right. She is a woman and she will be a woman without any clauses and conditions. She will do what she loves to do. She will wear what she likes to wear. She will stand up if you try to grab her rights and she will surely be a ‘woman’ even then. A woman is a woman irrespective of what this sexist society expects her to be and men have no right to label or criticize her for what she is and for everything she does. If I’ve curves I’m fat! If I don’t then I’m flat! If I wear makeup I’m fake! If I don’t I’m a ‘Behenji’! If I dress up I’m a show off! If I don’t bother I’m a rustic! If I say what I think I’m a bitch! If I say nothing I’ve an attitude! If I cry sometimes I’m a drama queen! If I don’t I’m emotionless! If I have guy friends I’m a cheapo! If I don’t I’m narrow minded! If I stand up for myself I’m mouthy! If I don’t I’m dumb! It’s like women cannot do anything these days without being tagged! But why bother?! Don’t give a damn! Enjoy your life in the way you want! So it is for all the women out there: “The only way to deal with an unfree world, is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion”, says Albert Camus. Be Rebellious!
————- About the Author: The article has been contributed by our intern, Ruchi Sarin.