How she will find her ”Mr Right”?

Guys, if you think that you can win a woman’s heart with your luxurious lifestyle or imported SUVs, then you are certainly wrong. Unlike men, a woman doesn’t want much from her guy. She has a realistic wish-list including 5 things that any guy is capable of despite the fact that every man is capable of having these qualities, they are hard to find. However, there are plenty of men who possess all or some of these qualities to make a woman incredibly happy. Here are those 5 things that may help you make her fall head over heels in love with you.
1: Caring: Every girl wants a caring partner who is always there for her when she needs someone to share her worries. It may sound boring, but that’s the truth. At the end of the day, she wants him to make her life a little easier. And trust me guys; if you are successful in making her life beautiful and happy , she will always be by your side and fill your life with immense amount of love.
2: Honesty: Honesty is the best policy to win her heart. No woman wants a guy who lies about essential things in life as she wants to be the most important part of his life, she expects complete transparency in all the matters that will directly impact their relationship in future. She wants him to share his past including relationships, pleasant memories and experiences without worrying about anything. Guys often feel that if they share everything about their past, she may feel uncomfortable or refuse to continue further. But the fact is that the more you share about yourself, the more you earn her trust in you.
3: Understanding: Although everybody wants this feature in his/her partner, but she wants it the most. She wants him to understand her so that she doesn’t feel the need to explain him. And it can only be achieved when he accepts her the way she is, without comparing her with his past girlfriend or friends. Only then, there will be no misconceptions, misunderstanding or confusion in the relationship. And she will love him truly, madly and deeply for accepting and understanding her.
4: Complete Loyalty: If a guy is 100% loyal towards her, half of the battle is won to find a place in her heart. Women love to be with a man who sees the entire world in her and consider her the most beautiful woman in the world. She wants her guy to think that she is the best and the beautiful thing that ever happened to him.
5: Financial Security: It doesn’t mean that she wants her guy to be a millionaire, but yes she wants to feel secure with him. To be very honest, she wants that the guy should protect her from physical harm and make her feel safe even if she earns more than him. She just wants her man should be capable of it. It makes her feel proud, safe and secure.
— About the Author: The article has been contributed by our intern, Jaideep Singh. He started writing as a hobby but soon he realized that he wanted to do it for a living. Now he works as a professional writer and often takes time out to express his views and opinion on grave issues confronting the society. He firmly believes that writing is the most powerful medium to communicate with the entire society.