Girls, you were born for something extravagant and you have to fulfill it!

Why do we regret? Let us all pledge to be strong and put forward a confident face. Let us all pledge to live greatly and show our strength. Let them try and put us down, we will come up. Let them push us behind, we will overcome everyone. But don’t let them loose yourself. Don’t ever let them loose the faith you have in yourself. You were born for greatness and you can achieve it. Girls, you were born for something extravagant and you have to fulfill it!
Since our childhood we are often neglected and discriminated but as we grow up we are told to stick to our boundaries. But this won’t hold us back. Try what you can and we will come up again.We will not loose our strength. Make your faith your strength. Convert your strength into your will and then your will your ultimate POWER. Even our presence should shake every one apart. Forget what all wrong has been done to you. Now build yourself up so that every storm will pass by leaving you untouched. Every challenge should think twice before facing you. Let us all become that substance which can pass through all burning and beatings and still be the strongest and shine brightly. Embrace all the wrong things in such a way that no one again would even think of doing that to you. Give back in such a way that it be a lesson for them, not for you. I know it would be difficult at first. But don’t let weakness overshadow your strength. Till the time we don’t become powerful they will tend to stop us. We have to become one that can crush them and walk over them. Respect Women supports women all across the world to raise their voice & fight for their rights. Are you ready?
———– About the Author: The article has been contributed by our intern, Ruchi Sarin.