Girl on period can clean the impurity!

While I lose my sight of reality and reason, I realize I am on my period! I try and keep myself busy just to avoid the pain and distress that I go through, but I fail, most of the times.
After reading those ‘Happy stories of girl on period’, ‘Women don’t bleed blue‘ etc, I tried being happy during my period but ended up feeling stupid of trying to fake it. I mean who can be happy during her period? Not me at least! I tried, I swear! It was admission of ignorance that I adopted, but the process completely changed my view. But interestingly, I never had a notion – ‘Had I been a guy, I would have been happier.’ Like, never ever! I am sure most you would have thought about it atleast once in a lifetime. But by default, there is something at the back of my mind that I personally want to keep away from even thinking if I were a guy! It would be more like a nightmare. The feelings that my heart goes through just cannot be explained further. In the sphere of acknowledgement, I am happy being a girl! I refuse to feel pity of me, my period, my family’s insecurity of me being a girl, and my safety. I refuse to be carried away with the society and behave the way they want a girl to!Profound sadness and unflattering menstruation seems to dislocate my stomach and all that’s inside me. My stomach feels fuller, and my pad is blooded deeply inside out. At certain periods, I wanted to die! At certain periods, my soul seemed fully saddened and disturbed and emotionally imbalanced with disgrace. I seem to tolerate the same guy’s roadside, same colleagues and fellows and identical passerby’s but it required a bit more patience. Craving for chocolates, and lust for comfort rules me! I accept I am lined by emotional imbalance on those days. Getting sentimental over petty issues and behaving like I am a little girl who hates hatred is how I act! I remember how I was told to keep away from the temple when I am menstruating. My Grandma told me to do so, and I was too young to decide if what she said was right or wrong. The thought that came in my mind was, I am impure and yes I must not touch God because he/she is pious. When I grew up enough that I could challenge my own thoughts and those of who teach me, I questioned my mother, ‘What is it that stops women from entering the temple when they are menstruating?’ My mother was stunned, she said ‘Nothing’! I said nothing? How can it be? I am asking something mum, answer me! She said in the politest of her voice, ‘Beta, it’s nothing, I never told you not to enter the temple when you are menstruating, Did I? I was like, what have I been doing since years? Following an impure thought and thinking I and every other girl/ women who menstruates like me is dirty and tainted?
It filled my heart with dishonor, that all this while whatever I was thinking was impure but what do I do? All that I had been taught about periods wasn’t correct. And then I was reminded of my principal who told girls in our school not to take God’s name when they are on their period.’ Duh! I hate that thought! I hated how I followed it! And even more I hated that principal for giving us such a wrong teaching! Duh! I hate you period! I or any other girl/women who is menstruating is not impure nor do we damage Lord’s idol when we worship him or her while we are on our period! A girl on period can clean the impurity (in people’s minds) rather than bringing it because removal of impurity does not deal with periods but with people’s mindsets! ————- ABOUT THE AUTHOR: This article is written by Ishita Kapoor. Ishita sees her passion in writing and hopes to change the world by not only giving them their piece of mind, but also receiving their opinion and then judging what’s correct. She is also the co – founder of Respect Women and an initiator in making people get their voices heard.