Gay is not the way!

“How would humans perpetuate if everyone turns gay?” is one of the most ridiculous questions tossed over at the LGBT community. Well, no matter how many homosexuals are there, the heterosexuals will anyway reproduce. So, put your imbecile worries to an end, the human race isn’t going extinct and cheers to the homophobes, that silly possibility has completely ruled out, for sex with the same gender is a criminal, unnatural offence according to the Indian Penal Code (Act 377).
The explanation for gay sex being an unnatural offence is that fellatio and anal intercourse are punishable under this law and the ambit applies to consensual heterosexuals also. Thank God, sexual affairs of straight citizens are not very transparent to the court otherwise I would imagine more jails than houses. At the same time I feel terribly sad for the gay citizens because unlike the conventional Indian society, others do not marry to legalize sex and produce children. Sex with animals cannot be synonymous with homosexuality because animals don’t come up to us with their desire of fornicating, but homosexuality within a species is known since history. Kama Sutra, an Indian literature of sexual behavior has mention of homosexuality as well as other means of pleasure rather than “normal” intercourse. Animals are known to show homosexual behavior, and since they don’t have the intelligence to contrive like humans, such a habit comes to them naturally. So I guess homosexuality is pretty natural.
If someone is gay, it does not mean that person is bisexual. Either you are bisexual or strictly homo/heterosexual. So if you are straight and cannot make out with another man/woman, the same way a strictly homosexual person cannot feel for someone belonging to the opposite sex. I don’t even want to envisage the consequences of gay marriage prohibition. As it is, it was so difficult to come out openly about one’s sexual orientation and now with more hype to this taboo, I wonder how many will have to suffer. If parents force their closet gay sons to marry girls, this will further complicate their situation. The whole purpose of consummating such a marriage and producing children can never be fulfilled (well off course, in-vitro fertilization is an exception). A gay couple would have got children the same way with the help of surrogacy. These lovely people lost their right to sexuality, to marry the one they loved. And now what else the society can do, force girls on them, blame them for impotency and victimize them with public humiliation?
The country can’t even promise a better working environment for the LGBT community. You cannot easily have a good carrier, fulfil your dreams or become successful like privileged heterosexuals. You will always have to fight for it and I say you guys fight hard because here, in this nation “GAY IS NOT THE WAY”.
———— About the Author: This article has been contributed by Aqsa Zaidi, our intern. Aqsa is a Botany Hons. Student from Hindu College, Delhi University. She feels it’s her constant struggle and effort to understand and redefine independence and equality in its purest form through her writing . Believing in women and youth empowerment, Aqsa wants to induct the same in her readers.