From a Girl to Wife, Wife to Mother

Every girl has to go through several phases in her entire life time. During each phase, she has to face different circumstances and several difficulties. And the way she deals with all these transitions and situations is very remarkable. Each woman has her own style and own ways to face these situations. Right from the childhood, a girl is taught to be sensible and dedicated to her family and duties. There are several changes in her life when the transition from a girl to woman takes place. She understands her responsibilities and duties towards her parents and family in a better way. And every girl tries to live up to the expectations of her parents and family. Sometimes, in the due course of time, she has to sacrifice her own wishes and has to give up on her dreams in order to fulfil those of her parents. But she has no regrets about that because she believes that whatever she has done is only for the sake of her parents’ happiness. And soon this phase of her life comes to an end. She transforms into a woman from a girl.
And the next big question that comes in everyone’s mind is her marriage. Thus, in some cases, there is love marriage, whereas in others, it is arranged marriage. Whatever be the case, it causes a transformation of a woman into a wife. She has to accept all the sudden as well as gradual changes in her life. She prepares herself mentally to leave her family, her parents and her lifestyle. She begins to learn the art of being a perfect daughter-in-law. She has to improvise her skills, especially those related to communication, cooking and most importantly, behaviour in front of relatives and in laws. Accept it or not, facts are facts. How much ever a girl says she won’t do all these before her wedding, ultimately she has to learn all such good manners before going to her in laws place.
Anyhow, a woman turns into a wife after marriage. She learns all the rules and regulations of her new household. She has to get familiar with the customs and rituals of her new family. She has to adjust to an altogether new environment and has to fully give up her used-to-be lifestyle. She prepares herself mentally to spend her entire life with her husband and solely devotes herself to her family. But it doesn’t end here. Soon she goes from another remarkable transition in her lifetime, from a wife to a mother. People say, “When a child is born, so is a mother…” It is an entirely different feeling which is totally inexplicable. There are no words to express the happiness that a woman gets when she gives birth to her child. It is one of the precious gifts given to a woman by God, as the ability to give birth to a new life. But at the same time, she expects co-operation and support from her husband and her family.
She is in a delicate situation and needs special attention and care. Proper diet is to be maintained for both the mother and the child. Also, it must be kept in mind, she is not supposed to strain herself physically and mentally and the child needs utmost care from its mother only. All this is possible only if there is love and care from the husband and in laws. So it is indeed a remarkable transition that a woman makes from being a woman, to a wife and ultimately, to a mother. One must learn to respect every woman who portrays herself as a perfect epitome of all these roles. After all, it is not as easy a task, as it seems.
About the Author: This article is contributed by Neha Thakur, our Intern.