Facts about the penis that cannot justify rape!

But that ain’t possible.
A fish with genitals on its head and its four-headed private area might shock you but we thought of sharing more about the male member here. We will get back to the fish’s private parts some other time.
Males of our society are not responsible for their poor self-control. What? No misandrist thinking, I swear! Self-control belongs solitary to people with vaginas and a penis’s ego is much more important than a vagina’s will. Tell me, what’s a guy’s mistake if they have hot guns in his pants that want to fuck seeing every girl?
Here are a few strange facts about the penis that just cannot justify rape:
Penises have their own mind:
Did you ever notice that your penis often does its own thing? You have less command over what it thinks and feels. It’s because of the autonomic nervous system regulating the heart rate and blood pressure. The penis answers to the part of the nervous system that’s not always under your conscious control. Penises have a mind of their own. But is that a reason of how you would justify rape. I thought even you have a mind of your own!
Penis shrinks if not used:
“Without regular erections, penile tissue can become less elastic and shrink, making the penis 1-2 centimeters shorter, ” according to the dick docs at WebMD. We know, men wouldn’t want their tinky-winky private thing to go small that too when big penises are so much in demand. But that’s no reason for a man to rape. We would rather suggest you to indulge in consented and safe sex.
Beware of the big-ball cheaters:
And that’s the lamest reason that somebody could every give. I am sure no one would dare to say that btw! I have big-balls and hence, I would cheat you. According to a testicular research, “men with large testicles are likely to be more unfaithful, the converse being true of men with small testicles,” says Hickman. Thus, he advises women to seek a reliable partner after a medical instrument designed for measuring balls. But women across the world cannot get this test for every man or keep away from all men.
Nah! I din’t mean what you are thinking, like the popular wisdom of a guy “thinking with his dick” versus his “other head.” Many marsupials like opossums have two-headed penises. This does not thankfully include human. Else this would have been another penis fact that people would use to justify a man raping. Just saying!
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: This article is written by Ishita Kapoor. Ishita sees her passion in writing and hopes to change the world by not only giving them their piece of mind, but also receiving their opinion and then judging what’s correct. She is also the co – founder of Respect Women and an initiator in making people get their voices heard.