Dirt’s of the Society
It is one of the worst experiences of my life. It was the time when I was just in 6th standard…there was a narrow lane which I use to cover to reach home. Once I was coming from school…I was passing through that narrow lane and suddenly a man near about 25-30 came in front of me and just for a few seconds he stopped his bike in front of me. I was scared like hell and didn’t knew what to do.. And just in a flick of second he pressed me with all his power and as i shouted cause of pain he ran away. I was so scared that for few days i was not able to attend school…i stopped passing through that lane….but that day i actually came to know that I AM A GIRL..AND MY SURVIVAL IS NOT THAT EASY IN THIS SOCIETY…I HAVE TO FIGHT FOR SURVIVAL…FIGHT WITH THESE DIRT’S OF THE SOCIETY… ——- Anonymous