Dear boyfriend, here are the 10 reasons why I said YES when you proposed!

Dear boyfriend, Thank you for coming in my life and making it extremely beautiful. I just thought to express how happy I am having you in my life, and since words have fallen short, I am sharing 10 reasons why you are so special to me—the reason I said YES to you—when you proposed me. Love Your now girlfriend & future wife
1.Because you give me my own space, without being jealous and insecure: You do not get insecure when I’m talking to anybody or when I’m on a professional trip or at some formal party. You don’t take away the wind around me and let me breathe in the air of freedom.
2.Because you believe in equality: For you male and female are equal. Be it the workplace or home, you believe in dividing work equally. From marketing to doing a job at industry or politics, you believe that a female can equally excel in any field as a male, and many times better than a male.
3.You give equal importance to my career as yours, and stand by me: For you my career is as important as yours. My dreams, my ambitions, my wish of being something great matters to you. You don’t ask me to choose between my work and you, and give me my time and space to achieve them. Be it the daily meetings or meeting with some important people your confidence in me just doubles my self- confidence and makes anything look like a cake walk.
4.You care for my safety, but you don’t stop me from doing something I wish: Roaming around at night or going out to a club, or dinner parties, you care for my safety, but you do not boggle me with calls, rather support me in tasting my flavors of independence. Your trust that I can handle the worst of situations gives me a moral boost like none.
5.You are like a loving father: When I think about our future, I see you making a wonderful father-someone who is caring, loving, patient, and playful, just like my dad. I have seen kids playing with you, or should I say you playing with kids. And I know how happy I was, I believe our kids will grow up to be the same.
6.You don’t believe in seeing other girls: For you I’m the only person who matters. You may have a number of female friends, but you have your priorities set straight, for you I’m the most beautiful and perfect woman. You have also made your choices and your decision to make us survive through all conditions makes me feel like I’m on Cloud number 9.
7.You are my best friend: Apart from being my boyfriend you are my best friend. Right from my stupid acts to most embarrassing ones you know them all. I can easily and openly share anything with you without being insecure about you being judgmental or leaving me. And despite being in a relationship you keep our initial stupid, crazy, silly friendship tricks alive.
8.You understand me when I’m on my period: You understand how hard periods are for girls. Hence, you tolerate everything from my sad to angry and irritated moods. You are more worried about my health and choose to let go of my mood swings, no matter how angry I get.
9.For you family matters a lot: You know how much family and their approval of our relation matters. Hence your cool and patient behavior towards my family helps you fit right in my family. You manage everybody, right from my parents to my siblings.
10.At the end my happiness is all that matters to you: My happiness is your utmost priority. You take care of my smallest of needs and my ambitions and never let anything make me sad. You bring heavens down on earth just to make me happy if I’m sad. And no matter how much time it takes right from jokes to inspiration you put up every front to make me happy.
——————– About the Author: This article is contributed by Preksha Parmar, our intern.