”Behind every successful woman is herself”

One of the major keys to success is to keep moving forward on the journey, making the best of detours and interruptions, turning adversity into advantages. A person has to face obstacles while moving on the path of success but the struggles we face shape into a better person. But many a times, we tend to blame our luck for our failure, we never turn to the path of obstacles and we constantly crib about our faith and the people around.
Women who are in the growing stages of their lives (20-40 years) , they tend to understand, improve and choosing a different ladder to reach the highs of life, but once they are in their 40s, they inherently develop the attitude 40s there is no learning and earning. At least one can always teach up young women establish small start ups which when scales up reaches the BIOCON, PEPSICO AND ICICI BANK. Now people will say, everyone is not born with a silver spoon. I do agree the fact and then counter question all the readers. Did ever Nalini Nanjudaya after her marriage thought of starting up N-POWER? Was Kiran Mazumdar Shaw’s Bangalore University degree in zoology enough to make her CMD of BIOCON? Was it because of the Harvard background of Naina Lal Kidwai that today she is the country head of HSBC India? Did Aishwarya Rai Bachchan ever thought that she will become an actress?
But have you ever realized that Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, the world’s most beautiful lady, wanted to become an architect. Kiran Majumdar Shaw, did her graduation from Bangalore University, which now is on the top of the most corrupt universities in India due to its fake certificates and goof ups. But when Kiran was attaining the brew master training in Malting and Brewing from Ballarat College of Advanced Education (1975), she never knew that one day she will the 92nd most powerful women in the whole world. Kiran Bedi- the first woman IPS officer of India, never let her family down just because she was one of the four girl siblings of her parents. Her immediate family was never supportive of her studies nor were her grandparents. But her parents, had a vision that all there children, one day will be academically excellent, so much so that Kiran’s mother made sure that her daughter has a time table for her day and even one second of it isn’t wasted. A story of this determined girl, who while studying in Connecticut, worked as a receptionist from midnight to sunrise to earn money and struggled to put together US$50 to buy herself a western suit for her first job interview at Yale, where she had just completed her masters. Incidentally, she wasn’t comfortable trying out a formal western outfit and ended up buying trousers that reached down only till her ankles. Rejected at the interview, she turned to her professor at the school who asked her what she would wear if she were to be in India. To her reply that she said it would be a sari, the professor advised her to “be yourself” and stick to what she was comfortable with. She wore a sari for her next interview. She got the job and has followed this philosophy for the rest of her career. She’s been herself, never tried to change her basic beliefs, derived strength from her traditions and believed in who she is. As she says, “I’m so secure in myself; I don’t have to be American to play in the corporate life.”– This is the story of world’s most powerful women- Indra Krishnamurthy Nooyi.
These incidents are there to just name a few prominent personalities from whom every girl can draw inspiration from. So to all the readers, I would just say to be positive and deterministic and have the belief that you can reach heights. And always remember, that behind every successful woman is herself…… — About the author: The article has been s contributed by our intern, Prashansa Ranjan. She is pursuing B.A. from Christ University, Bangalore. She is a firm believer of the gandhian qoute-” Be the change you want to see in the world”. She writes poems and articles in her free time, she believes that every woman should be equal to men in all respects. This equality can be achieved when we start from scratch; the process of restructuring the social mindsets.